How to Solve Samsung Dishwasher Won’t Turn on

Samsung Dishwasher Won’t Start

In the world of kitchen conveniences, the dishwasher holds a special place.

A tool that once was a luxury has now become an almost indispensable part of our daily lives, turning the tedious task of washing dishes into a seamless, hands-off experience.

Samsung, a renowned name in household appliances, offers a range of dishwashers designed to provide peak performance.

However, like all machines, there are times when even these state-of-the-art appliances face hiccups.

One of the most commonly reported problems is the dishwasher refusing to turn on.

Before you jump to conclusions or consider purchasing a new one, it’s essential to understand the possible underlying reasons.

This guide will delve into the myriad of reasons why your Samsung dishwasher might not power on, offering both insights and potential solutions to get your kitchen companion back in action.

Power Issues

Power issues are often the first culprits to consider when an electronic appliance, like a Samsung dishwasher, fails to turn on.

Addressing power-related problems can be straightforward, but it’s crucial to approach them systematically and safely.

Here’s a deeper dive into some of the common power issues you might encounter:

a. Tripped Circuit Breaker:
Function: Circuit breakers are safety devices that cut off the electrical flow when they detect a fault or overload in the system. This prevents fires and protects your home’s electrical infrastructure.
Identification & Reset: Navigate to your home’s electrical panel, often found in a utility room or basement. Check if the switch corresponding to the dishwasher (or the kitchen area) is in the “off” or “middle” position. If so, flip it to the “on” position. It’s advisable to wait a few moments before attempting to power on the dishwasher again.

b. Faulty Power Outlet:
Testing: An easy way to determine if the power outlet is the problem is by unplugging the dishwasher and plugging in another appliance, like a lamp or toaster, to see if it works. If the secondary appliance doesn’t work either, the issue likely lies with the outlet.
Ensuring Outlet Condition: Over time, outlets can degrade or become faulty. Regularly inspect outlets for signs of wear, burn marks, or other damage. If you suspect the outlet is problematic, it’s best to consult an electrician for a professional assessment and replacement.

c. Power Cord Issues:
Visible Damages: Check the dishwasher’s power cord for any signs of fraying, cuts, or other visible damage. Damage to the cord can prevent power from reaching the dishwasher.
Secure Connection: Sometimes, the solution can be as simple as ensuring the power cord is plugged in securely. Over time, plugs can be jostled loose from the outlet, or someone might have unplugged the dishwasher unknowingly. Always double-check that the cord is connected firmly to both the dishwasher and the outlet.

Door Latch Problems

The door latch of a dishwasher plays a pivotal role in ensuring the machine operates correctly.

It not only keeps the door securely shut during a cycle but also acts as a safety mechanism.

If the latch isn’t engaging properly, the dishwasher might interpret it as the door being open and, consequently, refuse to start.

Here’s an in-depth look into common door latch issues:

a. Misalignment:
Reasons for Misalignment: Over time and with regular use, the door of the dishwasher can become misaligned due to worn hinges, a shifted frame, or forceful closures. This misalignment can prevent the latch from catching and securing the door.
Adjusting the Door: In some cases, minor adjustments can realign the door. Ensure the dishwasher is level from side to side and front to back. If you notice any tilting, adjust the dishwasher’s feet or use shims to balance it. Additionally, inspect the hinges and make sure they are not loose or damaged.

b. Faulty Door Latch Mechanism:
Symptoms of a Bad Latch: If you’re struggling to close the door, or it doesn’t ‘click’ into place, or if the door pops open too easily, these might be signs of a defective latch mechanism.
Basic Fixes: Clean the latch area to ensure no debris or food particles are obstructing its path. A gentle application of lubricant can also ease a sticky latch. However, if these efforts are fruitless, the latch mechanism might need replacement.
Professional Consultation: If you’re not comfortable replacing the latch yourself, or if you’ve determined that the latch is indeed broken, it’s wise to consult a professional. They can provide a proper assessment and replace the faulty part as needed.

Control Panel Malfunctions

The control panel is essentially the “brain” of your dishwasher. It allows you to select different wash cycles, adjust settings, and start or pause operations.

If there’s an issue with the control panel, the dishwasher might not respond or turn on. Delving into control panel malfunctions can help identify and address potential problems.

a. Loose Connections:
Importance of Secure Connections: The control panel is linked to the main unit of the dishwasher through a series of electrical connections. If any of these connections are loose or disconnected, the panel might not receive power or send commands to the dishwasher’s other components.
Checking and Securing Wire Connections: Before checking, always ensure the dishwasher is unplugged to avoid electric shock. Gently access the back or underside of the control panel, and inspect the wire connections. Ensure they are secure and not corroded. If any wires appear disconnected, reattach them. If you’re unsure about this step, consulting a technician is advisable.

b. Faulty Control Board:
Identifying Common Symptoms: If the control panel buttons are non-responsive, if the dishwasher starts behaving erratically, or if there are strange error codes displayed, the control board might be malfunctioning.
Resetting the Control Board: Some issues can be resolved by performing a “soft reset” on the dishwasher. This can be done by either unplugging the dishwasher for a few minutes or shutting off its circuit breaker, then restoring power. This action can sometimes “reboot” the control board.
Replacement Considerations: If a reset doesn’t solve the problem and the control board continues to malfunction, it might need to be replaced. This task can be intricate, so if you’re not familiar with the process, seeking professional help is recommended.

Internal Component Failures

Every modern dishwasher, including those from Samsung, is equipped with an array of internal components that work in tandem to ensure efficient washing and drying of your dishes.

When one of these components malfunctions, it can prevent the dishwasher from turning on or operating correctly.

Here’s a closer look at some of these integral parts and their potential failures:

a. Defective Thermal Fuse:
Role of the Thermal Fuse: A thermal fuse is a safety device designed to cut off electrical power if the dishwasher overheats, preventing potential fires or damage to other components.
Testing and Replacement: If you suspect the thermal fuse is blown (common symptoms include the dishwasher not turning on or no response from the control panel), you can test it using a multimeter. If the multimeter indicates a lack of continuity, the fuse is blown and needs replacement. Ensure the dishwasher is unplugged before checking the fuse. If you’re unfamiliar with using a multimeter or replacing parts, consider hiring a technician.

b. Failed Motor Start Relay:
Symptoms of a Relay Problem: The motor start relay helps the dishwasher’s motor to run. If the relay is faulty, the motor might not get the necessary power, preventing the dishwasher from starting. Common symptoms include a humming noise without actual motor movement or the dishwasher not turning on at all.
Steps to Replace or Consult: To diagnose a relay problem, you’ll typically need to access the motor, locate the relay, and test it for functionality. If you confirm the relay is the issue, it can be replaced. Due to the complexity and potential risks involved in these steps, it’s often advisable to consult a technician.

Overloading or Incorrect Use

While dishwashers are designed for convenience and efficiency, how we use them can significantly influence their performance.

One of the most common mistakes homeowners make is overloading or not using the dishwasher correctly.

This can not only affect the quality of the cleaning but can also lead to the dishwasher not starting or running as expected. Here’s a breakdown:

a. Overstuffing the Dishwasher:
Risks Associated with Overloading: Cramming too many dishes or placing them haphazardly can block the water jets, preventing water from reaching all the dishes. Overloading can also put pressure on the door latch, making it harder to close or leading it to believe it isn’t securely shut. In some cases, large items can obstruct the spray arms, causing them to jam.
Recommendations for Optimal Load Sizes: Always load the dishwasher according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Group similar items together and ensure there’s space between dishes for water to flow freely. Large pots and pans should be placed at the bottom, facing downwards, while smaller items and glasses should go on the top rack.

b. Incorrect Settings:
Choosing the Right Cycle: Different dish loads might require different wash cycles. Using a delicate cycle for heavy pots and pans, for instance, might not yield a thorough clean. Conversely, using an intensive cycle for a few glasses is not energy efficient and might wear out the machine faster.
Ensuring Appropriate Settings: Familiarize yourself with the various cycles and features of your Samsung dishwasher. Most modern dishwashers offer a range of options, from quick washes to eco modes. Selecting the right one for your load ensures optimal cleaning without straining the machine.

Age and Wear

Like all appliances, dishwashers are not immune to the natural wear and tear that comes with time and use.

Over the years, even the best-maintained machines can develop issues simply due to aging components and the cumulative effects of operational strains.

Understanding the implications of age and wear can help in addressing potential problems effectively:

a. Lifespan of a Typical Dishwasher:
General Lifespan: The average lifespan of a dishwasher is around 7 to 12 years, depending on the brand, usage frequency, and maintenance. While some might last longer with meticulous care, there comes a point where components start to wear down or become obsolete.
Signs of Aging: Frequent breakdowns, decreased efficiency, louder operational noises, or the appearance of rust are all potential indicators that a dishwasher is nearing the end of its functional life.

b. Worn-Out Seals and Gaskets:
Role of Seals: Seals and gaskets play a crucial role in keeping the dishwasher watertight and ensuring water is efficiently utilized during a cycle. Over time, these rubber components can become brittle, crack, or lose their elasticity.
Issues Arising from Faulty Seals: A deteriorating door seal might cause leaks, while a worn-out pump gasket could lead to inefficient circulation. Regularly inspect these components and replace them if they show signs of wear.

c. Obsolete Components:
Advancements in Technology: As technology progresses, older parts might become obsolete, making replacements difficult to find. This can be especially challenging if the dishwasher requires a particular component that’s no longer in production.
Considerations for Replacement: If repairs become frequent, or if it’s increasingly difficult to source parts, it might be more cost-effective in the long run to consider replacing the dishwasher with a newer model that offers improved efficiency and modern features.

External Factors

Beyond the internal components and usage habits, sometimes the environment or external influences can impact the operation of a dishwasher.

These factors, often overlooked, can play a significant role in preventing the machine from turning on or functioning correctly.

Delving into these external aspects can shed light on some uncommon but potential challenges:

a. Power Surges:
Impact on Appliances: Power surges, which are sudden spikes in electrical voltage, can damage the sensitive electronics in modern dishwashers. If a surge occurs while the dishwasher is in operation or connected to the mains, it could lead to immediate malfunction or gradual wear-down of components.
Protection Measures: Using surge protectors can help shield your dishwasher and other appliances from these unexpected electrical spikes, prolonging their lifespan.

b. Water Supply Disruptions:
Dependency on Water: Dishwashers, by design, rely heavily on a consistent water supply. If there’s an interruption in the water supply or a significant drop in water pressure, the dishwasher might not start or could halt mid-cycle.
Regular Monitoring: Periodically check the water inlet valve and ensure there’s no blockage. Also, staying informed about any planned water supply interruptions in your locality can help in scheduling dishwashing cycles accordingly.

c. External Temperatures:
Cold Environments: If the dishwasher is located in an unheated part of the home, such as a garage or a cold basement, extremely low temperatures can impact its operation. Water inside could freeze, preventing the machine from running.
Addressing Temperature Issues: Ideally, dishwashers should be located in areas where temperatures remain above freezing. If that’s not possible, consider insulating the area or using heaters during cold spells to ensure smooth operation.

d. Pest Intrusion:
Damage from Pests: Small pests, like rodents or insects, might be attracted to food particles inside the dishwasher. They can chew through wires, hoses, or other components, leading to malfunctions.
Prevention: Regular cleaning and ensuring no food remnants are left in the dishwasher can deter pests. Additionally, consider periodic pest control measures, especially if you’ve previously faced infestations.

May Required in Future:-


Dishwashers have become an integral part of many households, offering convenience, efficiency, and an eco-friendlier approach to dish cleaning.

However, like any appliance, they’re not exempt from occasional hiccups.

From power issues and control panel malfunctions to external factors like power surges and water supply disruptions, a myriad of challenges can prevent a dishwasher from turning on.

It’s essential to approach these problems methodically, considering both common and less-obvious reasons.

Regular maintenance, understanding your appliance’s intricacies, and being aware of external factors can significantly minimize potential issues.

Additionally, knowing when to seek professional help is crucial.

While some problems might have simple DIY solutions, others require expert intervention to ensure the safety and longevity of the appliance.

In the long run, a well-maintained dishwasher not only guarantees consistently clean dishes but can also serve as a testament to the appliance’s resilience, offering years of reliable service.

Whether you’re troubleshooting a current issue or merely educating yourself for the future, understanding the possible challenges is the first step towards a lasting solution.

When troubleshooting, repairing, or maintaining any appliance, including dishwashers, having reliable resources at your disposal can make the process smoother and more effective.

Here’s a closer look at some recommended resources and why they are invaluable:

a. User Manuals:
Importance: Every dishwasher comes with a user manual that provides detailed information on installation, operation, and troubleshooting. These manuals often contain a section dedicated to common issues and their potential solutions.
How to Use: If you encounter a problem, first refer to your manual’s troubleshooting section. It might offer step-by-step guidance or clarify any doubts about specific settings and operations.

b. Manufacturer’s Website:
Benefits: Many manufacturers maintain official websites that offer resources like FAQs, video tutorials, live chat support, and more. Some also have dedicated forums where users share their experiences and solutions.
Navigating the Site: Head to the support or customer service section. Input your dishwasher’s model number to access tailored resources and solutions.

c. Online Forums and Communities:
Advantages: There are numerous online forums and communities where users discuss common dishwasher issues, share experiences, and offer solutions. These platforms can be invaluable as they provide real-world insights and tips.
Usage Tip: Always ensure that the advice you’re following is from a reputable source or has been verified by multiple members before attempting any DIY fixes.

d. Professional Technicians:
Role: Sometimes, the best resource is professional expertise. Technicians have hands-on experience with a wide range of issues and can provide safe and effective solutions.
When to Consult: If you’re unsure about a problem, if the issue persists despite your efforts, or if you suspect it’s a complex matter, it’s best to call in a professional.

e. Online Tutorials and Videos:
Visual Guidance: Platforms like YouTube host numerous tutorial videos that can guide you through troubleshooting or maintenance procedures visually.
Caution: Ensure the video or tutorial you’re following is from a reputable source, and always prioritize safety. If a procedure seems risky, consult a professional.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why won’t my Samsung dishwasher power on at all?

The most common reasons for a dishwasher not powering on include power issues, such as tripped circuit breakers, unplugged cords, or faulty outlets. Always check these first and ensure the dishwasher is receiving power.

I’m sure there’s power, but my dishwasher still won’t start. What could be the issue?

A faulty door latch might be the culprit. If the dishwasher doesn’t detect that its door is securely closed, it won’t start as a safety measure. Inspect the latch for damages or obstructions.

The buttons on my dishwasher’s control panel aren’t responding. What should I do?

Control panel malfunctions can stem from various reasons, such as a blown fuse or a faulty control board. Resetting the dishwasher by unplugging it for a few minutes and then plugging it back in might help. If the problem persists, consider consulting a technician.

My dishwasher was working fine for years. Could age be the reason it’s not turning on now?

Yes, like all appliances, dishwashers are subject to wear and tear. The average lifespan is around 7 to 12 years. Components can wear out, seals can deteriorate, and sometimes it might be more cost-effective to replace an old machine rather than repair it.

Are there any external factors that might prevent my dishwasher from starting?

Absolutely! Power surges, water supply disruptions, extreme temperatures, and even pests can impact the operation of a dishwasher. It’s essential to consider the environment and any recent changes or events that might have influenced the appliance.

I’ve misplaced my user manual. Where can I find information specific to my dishwasher model?

Most manufacturers, including Samsung, provide digital versions of user manuals on their official websites. Simply enter your model number on the site, and you should be able to access a PDF version of the manual.

I suspect an internal component failure. Should I try repairing it myself?

While some minor issues can be addressed with DIY fixes, internal component failures often require a certain level of expertise. If you’re not confident in your skills or if the repair seems complicated, it’s always safer to consult a professional technician.

My dishwasher is overloaded and won’t start. Can this be related?

Yes, overloading can put pressure on the door latch or block water jets and spray arms. Always ensure you load the dishwasher as per manufacturer guidelines and avoid cramming too many dishes inside.

I am Kevin Technician and this website is created with the purpose to help common people to find proper information about Dishwasher. Feel free to comment or email your queries.